What kinds of tracks are there?

Unlike a 'classic' music album, a soundtrack can be released as an original soundtrack or gamerip and thus represent either a curated collection or a hodgepodge of music tracks and snippets. In the case of gamerips, a distinction must therefore be made between the track types:

  • Bgm: Background music, often abbreviated to “bgm” in the file context, are usually pieces that, as the name suggests, contain background music.
  • Loop: Loops are pieces that are designed to run in a continuous loop. They usually, but not necessarily, do without a clear beginning and a pointed end and are usually ended by stingers.
  • Stinger: Stingers are tracks that are only a few seconds long and are used as a transition or to end a track. They 'stab' into the musical carpet and conceal the work of the technical framework in the background.
  • Ingame: Tracks that also run in this form in the game are sometimes labeled “Ingame”. This can be used to differentiate an OST if the in-game version differs from the published version. Alternatively, these tracks can also contain sound elements from the game, for example if it is music from a cutscene.
  • SFX: “SFX” is the common abbreviation for “Special Effects”. Tracks with this addition often contain sound effects from the game, similar to in-game tracks. While these mostly appear in OSTs, SFX tracks are usually part of gamerips.

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