Top 100 Video game tracks 3

A year has passed and we have successfully reached the 250 review mark on this site. To celebrate this in style, I'm sending the Top 100 video game tracks into its third round. In terms of rules, everything remains the same. Meaning:

  • one track per score
  • alphabetische Reihenfolge der Alben

In contrast to the 2. Top 100 list I have now again taken tracks from scores that were already part of other Top 100 lists. Why? Because I can and because some albums simply have more than just one good track. And now I hope you enjoy it!

Limiting myself to just 100 songs in this list was hard enough. That's why there is no specific order or 'the best track' in this list. I love them all equally!🙂

  • Top 100 Video game tracks 3

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