• Top lists,  Tracks

    Top 100 Video game tracks 2

    When I created my first Top 100 videogame tracks almost four years ago, I thought on the one hand that I had put my magnum opus into the world. On the other hand, I was very sure that I would certainly not bother a second time, let alone a third. Almost four years later, I'm about to write my 200th review and feel the need to celebrate in style. And because not only have a bunch of new soundtracks reached the world's auditory canals in the meantime, but I've also been able to catch up on many 'old favorites', the stars seem to have aligned for a second list.

  • Topics,  Top lists

    Top 50 Fighting tracks

    I actually wanted to make my next top something list when I reached my 200th music review. Then I foolishly changed the counting method and instead of 199 reviews I was suddenly back at 170 ... great. Since I don't want to wait that long (and I know my own modus operandi), I'll take the 175th as an excuse. Topic: The 50 best fighting tracks.

  • Top lists,  Tracks

    Top 100 Video game tracks

    Das ist sie also, die ultimative Liste meiner Top 100 Videospiel-Tracks. Diese Songs sind meiner Meinung die Crème de la crème künstlerisch-kreativen Schaffens von Komponisten, die einer einfachen Software, Nullen uns Einsen, eine Seele einhauchen. Die ein Unterhaltungsprodukt zur Kunstform erheben, die Erinnerungen schaffen - meine Erinnerungen. Deshalb landen auf dieser Liste nicht nur die Blockbuster, die allesamt zurecht bejubelt und gefeiert werden, sondern auch kleine Juwelen, die meine Erinnerungen an die Vergangenheit im Allgemeinen und Kindheitstage im Speziellen wach werden lassen.