• soundtracks,  video games

    Nobody Wants to Die

    Mit Ausnahme ein paar weniger, biologischer Anomalien, möchte wohl wirklich niemand sterben. Dass wir es am Ende wohl alle müssen, ist ein Naturgesetz – zumindest dieser Tage. In der Welt von 2329, die wir in Nobody Wants to Die, dem kürzlich erschienen Erstlingswerk des polnischen Entwicklers Critical Hit Games, erleben, konnte die Menschheit solche Banalitäten wie den Tod dank digitaler Gedächtnisbanken hinter sich lassen.

  • soundtracks,  video games

    The Surge

    The Surge is a sci-fi souls-like from the German development studio Deck 13 that came out in 2017. I haven't played it (although I know someone who has and might consider writing a guest review ...), but the idea of violently depriving enemies of their limbs through the surgical use of hacking and sawing tools and equipping yourself with them actually sounded pretty cool.

  • soundtracks,  video games


    Chaser war ein Spiel. Punkt. Mehr kann ich dazu wirklich nicht mehr sagen. Screenshots zufolge ein Egoshooter vom slowakischen Studio Cauldron aus dem Jahr 2003, den ich tatsächlich nur deswegen gespielt habe, weil er einer GameStar-Ausgabe als Vollversion beilag. War es ein gutes Spiel? Was war die Story? Keine Ahnung. Kann uns aber für unsere Zwecke auch egal sein, schließlich muss ein Game ja nicht gut sein, um uns mit einem tollen Soundtrack zu verwöhnen.

  • Scores,  Top lists

    Top 10 Sci-Fi scores

    Space. The final frontier. Or the earth in the not-so-distant future. Or even a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Science fiction is big and beautiful. It explores places we will never reach, times full of unimaginable wonders and dangers; and is therefore a perfect breeding ground for unique games, franchises and their soundtracks. I would like to pay tribute to these today in my Top 10 Sci-Fi Scores. To do this, I have looked at videogames and franchises which are set somewhere in the possible future or take place in alternative universes.

  • soundtracks,  video games

    Remember Me

    Ironically, Remember Me is a game that is probably only remembered today by those who have played it. As far as my knowledge of the 2013 game is concerned, it is limited to the fact that it surprisingly has something to do with memories, a protagonist who wants to bring down an evil company and a combat system in which combos can be freely put together. However, this rough outline is not my usual deliberately abbreviated summary in order to quickly jump into the soundtrack part, but is simply due to the fact that I simply missed Remember Me. Unfortunately, I must say, given that it is a critics' favorite.