• soundtracks,  video games

    Chaos Legion

    Mit Chaos Legion findet wieder ein Spiel der Kategorie Special Interest ihren Weg auf diese Webseite. Ich gestehe, dass ich so gut wie nichts mehr über die Story weiß. Irgendwas mit Göttern, Dämonen und sonstigen Unheiligkeiten, die allesamt im Japano-Over-the-Top-Stil Opfer unseres überdimensionalen Schwertes werden. Wir spielen dabei den Charakter Sieg Wahrheit (kein Scheiß), komplett mit roter Fönfrisur und Pelzkragenmantel. Dabei stehen uns die namensgebenden Legionen bei, die man wie bei einem Pikmin oder Overlord der jeweiligen Situation entsprechend beschwört. Oder so.

  • soundtracks,  video games

    Street Fighter II

    1992 was a good year for fans of arcade fighting games and websites about video game soundtracks - after all, it wasn't just Street Fighter II that saw the light of day back then, but also me. Great, right? As a result, I can't say much about the game, or rather: nothing at all. Never played it, not even on a retro console or anything like that and consequently never experienced the fascination, let alone the hype, of the Street Fighter series.

  • soundtracks,  video games

    Remember Me

    Ironically, Remember Me is a game that is probably only remembered today by those who have played it. As far as my knowledge of the 2013 game is concerned, it is limited to the fact that it surprisingly has something to do with memories, a protagonist who wants to bring down an evil company and a combat system in which combos can be freely put together. However, this rough outline is not my usual deliberately abbreviated summary in order to quickly jump into the soundtrack part, but is simply due to the fact that I simply missed Remember Me. Unfortunately, I must say, given that it is a critics' favorite.