
  • Information
  • Original Soundtrack
  • Gamerip

Year: 2010

Type: Original Soundtrack (OST) / Gamerip

Composer(s): Martin Stig Andersen

Number of tracks: 6 / 22


Maximal minimal

A stylistically consistent, atmospherically dense delicacy that showed back then, in a uniquely minimalist way, that video games can be art.

This is how the 2010 sidescrolling indie puzzler Limbo could be summed up in one sentence. I don't want to say any more about this gem, because even 13 years later and despite a significant increase in competition, the game is still an entertaining recommendation in my opinion. This black and white look, this oppressive feeling and the constant question: What's going on here anyway?

While the answer is not quite so simple in relation to the game, it can probably be formulated as follows for the OST: Atmo. Martin Stig Andersen presents us with calm, spherical sounds like in City, which fit perfectly into the gaming experience. Gloomy and menacing (Boys‘ Fort), loud and terrifying (Rotating Room), the pieces waft like drops of music on a white screen that encourages us to pause. Not very substantial and unfortunately not my thing at all, but definitely something for ambient enthusiasts and absolutely fitting for Limbo.

Nostalgia warning

The rating of the individual tracks is purely subjective and clearly colored by my own experience with the game. You can find out more in the article About Nostalgia.

  • Original Soundtrack
  • Gamerip

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