Heroes of Might and Magic

  • Information
  • Gamerip

Year: 1995

Type: Gamerip

Composer(s): Paul Romero

Number of tracks: 15


A cornerstone, but not by a mile(stone)

Hardly any other series stands for successful turn-based strategy like the renown Heroes of Might and Magic-series. "Just this one more turn, just this one more city, just this one more level." The endless spiral of motivation turns minutes into hours in which we expand our empire, find treasures and fight battles. The Might and Magic-setting takes us into a fantasy world where every folkloric mythical creature is brought to life in one way or another. We can recruit dwarves, elves, phoenixes, hydras and many other creatures and lead them into battle. Greek meets Nordic mythology, Asian water spirits meet Egyptian deities - it doesn't matter, the important thing is that it's fun.

The strategy series had its origins in this very game, Heroes of Might and Magic from 1995 - published three years after I was born. At the time, I was just beginning to learn to speak and gaming was still a silver lining far, far away on the horizon. That's why I didn't actually play this part, but started with the sequel Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars . It was released a year later, exactly when I was the right age for video games - obivously.

In terms of the soundtrack, there is therefore no nostalgia bonus for this offshoot, no glorified view of the past. In these cases, I can imagine how the inclined visitor to this website feels when I praise some MIDI tracks over the clover. "That's just squeaky noise, how can you like something like that?" Yes, I can see it here. Nice melodies that fit the charm of the gaming oldies, but have also long since absorbed the smell of mothballs.

Nothing really stands out here, neither negatively nor positively. Of course, you also have to bear in mind that this is the US-American Paul Romero's first musical work. At least in the gaming sector, as he wrote his first concerto at the age of 13. Romero also co-composed the soundtracks for the sequels, which means that the series sounds as if it has been cast from a single mold and each new spin-off adds a new facet to the whole. At the latest in Heroes of Might and Magic V the composer shows his full genius, with nostalgia glasses on even earlier. Unfortunately, it's not enough for Part 1 in my eyes, but all beginnings are hard, as we all know.

  • Gamerip
01OpeningPaul Romero33/5
02VictoryPaul Romero22/5
03Knight CityPaul Romero44/5
04Combat 1Paul Romero44/5
05Barbarian CityPaul Romero44/5
06Combat 2Paul Romero33/5
07Sorceress CityPaul Romero33/5
08Combat 3Paul Romero33/5
09Warlock CityPaul Romero44/5
10Combat 4Paul Romero44/5
11Counqer AllPaul Romero33/5
12Enemy SpyPaul Romero33/5
13Heroes MarchPaul Romero44/5
14The Castle Has FallenPaul Romero22/5
15DefeatPaul Romero22/5

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