Dr. Drago's Madcap Chase

European highscore heist
At just under three years old at release (or probably eight when we had it on PC), I was still probably a bit too young for it, which is why I still didn't know what Europe looked like (or where it was) after the game. I also have to confess to having cheated my way to victory a few times by quickly taking control of my opponents and making them head in the wrong direction for a few rounds ... the sins of childhood. Never mind, I still made something of myself (said the unemployed guy).
1995 - that means we're still in MIDI territory and a long way from official / commercial soundtrack albums. Unsurprisingly, I have to resort to a gamerip for my musical nostalgia tour, which unfortunately no longer seems to be available on YouTube or anywhere else. As a result, you can only experience the music as part of Let's Plays etc.
If you want to do that, you can look forward to nine tracks composed by Haiko Ruttmann. Ruttmann, who according to XING worked as Music Director and IT Manager at Blue Byte from 1992 to 2000 and is now Managing Director of a consulting company, is probably best known to fans of this site for his soundtracks for the Settlers-series, above all Settlers III and the fantastic Settlers IV. DDMC however, the composer provided with a rather stereotypical background tune that perfectly captures the spirit of the quirky Euro tour.
While Dr. Drago's Madcap Chase 07 sounds a bit like a runaway from clown college, the 'trumpets' in tracks 02 and 08 provide the kind of lascivious cosiness that one would stereotypically attribute to the bumbling companion in a film. In 03, 04 and 05 the piano adds a saloon/swing atmosphere, which gives the action a bit of dynamics again.