Colin McRae Rally 1-2005
Original Soundtrack
Year: 2016
Type: Original Soundtrack (OST)
Composer(s): Jonathan Colling
Number of tracks: 34
Colin Okay
To cut a long story short, I haven't played any of the games by the rally legend Colin McRae and my only forays into the genre, in which overlays show us what the next section of the track looks like, remain Richard Burns Rally and ... Ignition. Yes, the arcade racer actually had the announcements too, but more due to the confusion entailed with being Micro Machines-clone. I digress.
Now I said at the beginning that I dislike messiness. Consequently, I almost hate myself for summarizing five games in this review. But in my defense, it should be said that this is not my fault, but that of the composer Jonathan Colling. He obtained the rights from publisher Codemasters in 2010 and released his own OST with his label Octagon Music. In it, he combined the music from the first five games in the series, namely Colin McRae Rally (1998), Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (2000), Colin McRae Rally 3 (2002), Colin McRae Rally 04 (2003) and Colin McRae Rally 2005 (2004).
After briefly recovering from the official numbering of the game titles (honestly, who does that?), a glance at the track list reveals that Colling has made a somewhat uneven distribution in the 34 tracks: For example, with Colin McRae Rally 3 Theme [Extended Version] there is only one track from the third installment in the score, while no less than twelve tracks from Colin McRae Rally 04 are included. This may be because tracks were reused in the sequels or simply weren't good enough for the OST, but I can't say that with certainty.
In general, we can be glad that there is an original soundtrack in the first place, which even comes directly from the composer. This can be seen not least from the fact that the cover artwork also comes from Colling's somewhat inept hand, who, according to his own statement, is a musician and not a media designer. He wrote the following in an explanatory post on in response to a user's query:
I contacted Codemasters and got their approval to release the music that I created for all the Colin McRae-games. I was instructed to only use artwork that appeared on the covers of the games to avoid copyright issues which is why the cover is a little uninventive. I based my design around Colin McRae Rally 2 cover so the "look" is close to the original.[…] Sorry Seanne thinks it look pants and unprofessional, but i am a musician - not an graphic designer. I was getting so many emails about the music and it was all over YouTube in Mono / 25Kbps etc. that I thought I should release it so that people could hear it at its best. I have also extended many of the tunes using all the original kit I have here in my studio.
Composer Jonathan Colling
So it's a real fanservice, albeit one with financial benefits. But well, everyone should be able to earn money with what he/she has created. And as Colling himself writes, he has not only bundled the tracks in good quality, but has also expanded some of them. As he works exclusively in the electro, UK house and euro house genres, the extension of his melodies is comparatively uncomplicated compared to 'classic' soundtracks.
That's where the rub lies for me, because this style of music is not really for me without the necessary pinch of nostalgia. It's not for nothing that many people find it difficult to celebrate the music of the 90s and 2000s, apart from the evergreens, in the way that those who experienced it live can. I may be accused of loving Rom Di Prisco's work for Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit for example, and shrugging my shoulders at Colin McRae but the music for EA's racing game series is still a bit more driving and inspiring for me. The tracks in the rally competitor, on the other hand, seem a little more level-headed, almost lobby-like. Well, it's also electro vs. house or racing vs. rally.
Colin McRae Rally
Colin McRae Rally 2.0
Colin McRae Rally 3
Colin McRae Rally 04
Colin McRae Rally 2005
Year: 2000
Type: Original Soundtrack (OST)
Composer(s): Jonathan Colling
Number of tracks: 14
Year: 2003
Type: Original Soundtrack (OST)
Composer(s): Jonathan Colling
Number of tracks: 12
Colin McRae Rally
Colin McRae Rally 2.0
Colin McRae Rally 3
Colin McRae Rally 04
Colin McRae Rally 2005