Short ride
Like Counter-Strike so does Audiosurf fall into the 'fun review' category. A game that was released in 2008 and, for me as an old music enthusiast, promised the exciting premise of playing my favorite songs digitally, Audiosurf generates a parkour based on the track, which you have to fly through. Ideally, cubes appear in time with the music and collecting them scores points. This may encourage you to chase high scores, but as this is done by an algorithm, the quality of the tracks varies considerably.
Unfortunately, this meant that my fascination with playing it myself only lasted a good two tracks, after which the thing was over. Watching professionals, on the other hand, is still fun today, which is why I started my 'research' for this 'review' with a four-minute video in which some madman knots his fingers to Sandstorm by Darude. As a result, there is no OST for Audiosurf, just a four-track gamerip: the poppy main menu theme and a variation of it, plus two other tracks that have nothing to do with the actual game. Just as unnecessary as this review.
Nostalgia warning
No. | Title | Artist(s) | Ratings |
1 | Circuit Breakdown | Pedro Macedo Camacho | |
2 | Circuit Breakdown [Alternate] | Pedro Macedo Camacho | |
3 | Flute Loops 2 | Pedro Macedo Camacho | |
4 | The Device Has Been Modified v2 | Victims of Science |