The Dark Eye - Curse Over Moorbrück

And again something about video games, but this time the even nerdier version that you play analog: We're talking about pen-and-paper, i.e. role-playing with pen, paper and dice. You can imagine it as shown in the beginning of the first season of Stranger Things or any other episode of Big Bang Theory: Adult (in our case) men gather around a table and "play" their characters, a dungeon master explains the game world. The rest is a lot of talking, quizzing and, above all, having fun. That's why I wrote my brother an original adventure for his birthday (in 2014, if my memory serves me right). At that time, I was also making my first attempts at layout, which is why I turned the whole thing into a booklet. But because the old version (complete with drop shadow) would have given me the guaranteed death wish of every media designer, I have now (March 2020) adapted the thing again. You can find the result here. By the way, you can also play the game yourself if you have a group and characters - but I apologize to any game master who has to steer this in an orderly fashion. As I wrote in the foreword: it was my premiere. By the way, I played the beautiful huntress Helene Fischer.😉

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